Academics » Grading Scale

Grading Scale

RenWeb ParentsWeb

Washington School provides access to student grades using a program called RenWeb. This program will allow parents to see student grades, teacher comments, homework, announcements, school calendar events, and email teachers.

To use this tool:

  1. Go to

  2. Enter the district code WS-MS

  3. Enter your email address (the one you have been getting our emails on)

  4. Leave the password blank and click Forgot Username/Password link beneath it.

Report Cards

The report card is a means of conveying to parents a brief report of the student’s progress in school. Report cards will be emailed on the Thursday following the end of each term. The report card is a means of conveying to the parents a brief report of the student’s progress in school. The report cards will be issued on Thursday following the end of each term period. The parent is requested to examine the report card carefully. If the report shows any unsatisfactory grades, the parents should have a conference with the individual teacher. This conference must be arranged by calling the counselor’s office for middle and high school students.

Any student who has not completed all make-up work as a result of an administrative pre-approved absence will receive an “Incomplete” for that report period and be provided extended time to complete the graded assignments. Every effort should be made by the student to make up work promptly to avoid receiving grade penalties (see Make Up Work pg. 28).

Nine Weeks Grades

Grades 9-12: Each nine weeks grade will be determined from the following: homework, class participation, papers, projects, tests, etc.

Grades 6-12: Each semester grade will be determined from the following: the average of the two term grades will count three-fourths, and the semester exam will count one-fourth. Note: Sixth graders first semester exam counts as a weighted test in the second term, rather than the formula used for all other middle and high school exams.

Final Grade

All grades: All final grades will be determined by an average of the two semester grades.

Grading Scales

Secondary Grading Scale
Please see Section 3 of Secondary Handbook

Elementary 10-Point Grading Scale
90-100 A
80-89 B
73-79 C
70-72 D
Below 70 F
Satisfactory S
Needs Improvement N
Unsatisfactory U

Semester Grade

Grades 1-5: Each semester grade will be determined by averaging the two nine weeks term grades.